Oakley Cross Primary School

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Curriculum – MFL (French)

At Oakley Cross we offer French as our modern foreign language curriculum element.  Children begin formal learning in KS2 in line with the National Curriculum expectations but are often introduced to some basic French words in KS1.

Throughout KS2, our children have weekly French lessons.  To support teaching and learning in French, we use a program called ‘Language Angels’.  This is an interactive program which engages our children, allows them to hear the correct pronunciation of French words and phrases and use these words across a range of games and activities.

For a copy of our Long Term Plan for French and a summary of the key knowledge and skills we aim for children to acquire over time please follow the links below.


French Curriculum :

MFL overview

KS2 French LT Plan Year 3&4

KS2 French LT Plan Year 4&5

KS2 French LT Plan Year 5&6