Oakley Cross Primary School

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Meet The Staff

In this section you find information about who we are and what we all do.

Here is a list of our current staff and their responsibilities and subject lead roles.

Leadership Team

Headteacher: Mrs Sian Atkinson

Deputy Headteacher: Mr Andrew Howe

Teaching & Teaching Support Staff

Nursery (Acorns and Saplings) Mrs Askwith, Mrs Smart,and Miss Dobbs

Reception  (Blossom) Mrs Chapman and Miss Baldwin

Year 1 (Pine) Miss Turner and Mrs Sheldon

Year 2 (Birch) Mr Howe and Mrs Ayers

Year 3/4 (Willow) Miss Comerford,  Mrs Collier and Mrs Furness

Year 4/5 (Sycamore) Mr Smith, Mrs Geraty and Mrs Betts

Year 5/6 (Maple)  Mr Robinson and Mrs Lowrie

Sports Teaching Assistant – Mr Dixon

Non-Teaching Support Staff

Supervisory Assistants: Miss Metcalf, Mrs  Furness, Ms Jeffrey and Miss Allinson

School Secretary: Mrs  McPartlin

School Caretaker: Mr  Coverdale

School Cleaners: Mrs  Furness, Miss  Metcalf

School Attendance Officer

Should you have any issues relating to attendance, you can contact Mrs Mathwin on 07825 938463.