Oakley Cross Primary School

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Our Curriculum


At Oakley Cross Primary School, we aim to provide a high-quality curriculum that builds confident and successful learners from Early Years onwards.  Staff have worked collectively to design a curriculum that meets the requirements of the National Curriculum.

English, Science, History, Geography and PSHE, our curriculum drivers, help to shape the learning at Oakley Cross and ensure all children are offered a wide range of opportunities both within and beyond the classroom.

We set high expectations and through the curriculum aim to develop children who/who are:

Resilient and strive for excellence in all they do
Encouraged to value others, their views, cultures and beliefs
Succeed and reach their full potential
Persevere when challenged
Encouraged to consider a healthy and active life style
Confident and active learners
Tolerate others and show kindness

Progression documents, with clearly identified end points, have been developed in each subject. These allow for purposeful repetition and independent application of knowledge and skills as well as broadening children’s vocabulary.


Every foundation subject follows the same lesson structure.


Flashback Pupils are given frequent opportunities to carry out ‘flashback’ tasks from current and previous topics to ensure knowledge is fully embedded


Question We use a ‘hook in’ approach within each lesson based around a question


Skills/Knowledge Dual objectives are planned and well sequenced. Objectives are progressive and match the school’s assessment system.


VIPs  Very important points. Children record their VIPs in all foundation subjects.

End of unit quizzes are used to support assessment.

Whole School Overview

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


At Oakley Cross Primary School we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with appropriate education and support alongside their peers.  Further information can be found in the SEN Information Report

If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.


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