Oakley Cross Primary School

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Our Governing Body

Our Governing Body is made up of staff, parents of children in our school and members of the local community who all volunteer their time to oversee the work of our school.  Our Governing Body has 4 key functions:


  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
  • Ensuring the voices of stakeholders are heard


Committee Terms of Reference 22June23

Governor Committee Structure

For further information on who our governors are and what they do, please look at the table below.

Name of Governor Category of
Term of
Register of
Interest Declared
Mrs Diane Farrer Chair Person
Co-opted Governor
21.03.2022 - 20.03.2026 Interest declared - Parish Council Curriculum and Standards
Finance and Premises
First/Pay Review
HT Performance
Behaviour and Personal Development
Leadership and Management
Mr Allan Fletcher Vice Chair
Local Authority Governor
05.07.2023- 04.07.2027 No interest
Curriculum and Standards
HT Performance
Quality of Education
Training and Development
Gemma Ferguson Co-opted Governor 20.09.2023-19.09.2027 No interest declared Quality of Education
Kathleen Turner Staff Governor 8.06.2023-07.06.2027 No interest
Curriculum and Standards
Finance, Premises and Staffing

Mrs Debbie Slack
Vice Chair
Co-opted Governor
01.10.2023- 30.09.2027 No interest declared Curriculum and Standards
First/Pay Review
HT Performance
Quality of Education
Mrs Allison Chapman Co-opted Governor 27.01.2021-26.01.2025 No interest declared First/Pay Review
Sian Atkinson Headteacher 01.09.21 No interest declared Appeals
Curriculum and Standards
Finance and Premises
First/Pay Review
Lauren Gill Parent Governor 05.01.22-04.01.2026 No interest declared Curriculum and Standards
First/Pay Review
Early Years
Terri Gooch Parent Governor 15.11.21-14.11.2025 No interest declared Curriculum and Standards
Behaviour and Personal Development
Becky Anderson Parent Governor 11.10.2023 -10.10.2027 No interest declared Curriculum and Standards
Early Years

How To Become A School Governor

If you require further information on the roles and responsibilities of School Governors or you are interested in becoming one, visit the Durham County Council website School Governor section.

Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies

Oakley Cross Primary adheres to the statutory guidance from the Department for Education. Governing bodies must have regard to this guidance when carrying out their duties.  For further information relating to constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools please view or download the documents below.

The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools (2017)

Additional Governor Information

As a governing body we have adopted the NGA Code of Conduct.  Further information regarding our Code of Conduct  and the work of our Governing Body can be found by clicking the links below:

Code of Conduct 2022

Governor Monitoring Visits Policy

Record of Governor’s Attendance

Schools are required to display a record of Governor’s attendance at meetings for each school academic year.

/   – Attended meeting
A   – Apologies sent and accepted by meeting
N   – Did not attend
X  – Not a member of the committee
R – Resigned

Record of Attendance 

Name of Governor Meetings
[add date]
[add date]
[add date]
Di Farrer
Allan Fletcher
Sian Atkinson
Debbie Slack
Becky Anderson
Kathleen Turner
Alison Chapman
Gemma Ferguson
Lauren Gill
Terri Gooch

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